Monday, September 22, 2008

work work work.

got to keep working on it. yeap..
technique,water works,land trainings and everything else.
Set up,spear-front catch,pull-holding of water,exit-recovery-2nd kick.

with time trial coming up, i guess everyone got to really work on it now. the ivp team for river regatta would be based on the best distance, to form up the best team i guess.
thats life.
even though im down to my final race. and after all that training. if i dont make the cut i dont make the cut.
thats life.
then again life has given me an option, to continue to work hard and someday maybe paddle again, or to just give up, feeling that its not worth the training,not worth the time.
there are many setbacks in life. i hope even if i get into one, i am going to have the strength to pick myself up and continue with it.

the world just revolves around these few theories doesnt it?although everything i say may seem dragonboat or kayaking related,but actually they are all principals of life.

from learning to balance in a kayak, to learn to move, to learn to speed, to learn to sprint
from learning to stand with your legs,to learn to crawl,to learn run,to learn to sprint.

you capsize,you swim back,you bail the water out,you try again.
you fall,you cry,you heal,you stand up again.

you run,you train,you train and run faster.
you paddle,you train,you train and paddle faster.

step by step,inch by inch you move towards your goal.
stroke by stroke,you cross the finishing line.
papers by papers you finish your exams.
spoonful by spoonful you finish your meal.
day by day you write your story of your life,personalized and customised only to yourself.

holidays coming to end of third week.
last semester of school, last river regatta, last days of poly.
i dont have many friends. or least i think i dont.
if you are reading this and you consider me as your friend.
i thank you.

its all coming to an end.
and we move on to our stage of our lives.
whats mine gonna be like? i dont know. just take a step at a time?


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